Supporting abattoirs to keep ahead of the mess

The Challenge

The customer faced challenges with an aging washdown system that required frequent engineer attention to ensure its proper functioning and maintenance. Each time the system failed, it led to wasted time in the plant, as certain areas couldn’t be washdown, and the resulting mess and waste couldn’t be effectively removed. Moreover, the system was highly inefficient and costly in terms of energy consumption. Adding to these challenges was the issue of a diminishing skilled labor force, and the company’s growing concern for improved sustainability, leading the client to seek a comprehensive solution that not only resolved the system’s operational issues but also reduced their carbon footprint. 

Our Solution

Our technical team conducted a thorough assessment of the entire system and concluded that the most effective approach to overcome the challenges and enhance efficiency was a complete redesign of the pump system, incorporating the latest technology in pumps. We formulated a quad washdown set, consisting of four variable speed multi-stage pumps capable of delivering 40bar pressure. This new pump system was manufactured off-site, then transported and installed in a new location within the factory. This allowed the old system to remain operational during the installation, resulting in only minimal downtime required for final pipework connections. 

The innovative pump system utilized variable speed drives with cascade control, which optimized efficiency and responded to demand, thus significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the overall system. The variable speed drives were controlled through a pressure transducer, automating the system’s operation and eliminating the need for manual engineer oversight. 

The Result

The outcomes were highly satisfactory, as our customer provided positive feedback, stating, “We used to have to check and address issues with the old system 2-3 times a day, but now we no longer encounter any problems and don’t need to check it at all.” Furthermore, the new pump system exhibited reduced power consumption, contributing significantly to the company’s pursuit of its net-zero target.

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